5 Effective Natural Remedies For Hiccups
Jun 22, 2023 By 5 Effective Natural Remedies For Hiccups

Got hiccups? You're not alone! Hiccups can be annoying and interrupt your daily life, especially when they won't go away. But don't worry; you don't have to suffer in silence. We have five natural remedies that will help kick your hiccups for good!

Whether it's a deep breath technique or standing on your head, all the methods featured are easy to do at home and could provide some much-needed relief from those pesky hiccups. Read on to discover more.

What Are Hiccups

Involuntary contractions or spasms of the diaphragm cause hiccups, also known as singultus. Large muscle located below the lungs called the diaphragm is essential for breathing. The vocal chords close when the diaphragm contracts abruptly and quickly, producing the distinctive "hic" sound.

Hiccups can occur for various reasons, although the exact cause is not always known. Some common triggers include eating too quickly, consuming carbonated beverages, drinking alcohol, sudden changes in temperature, excitement or stress, and swallowing air while eating or drinking. Hiccups can also be associated with certain medical conditions or medications.

Most hiccups are temporary and typically resolve independently within a few minutes to hours. However, in some cases, hiccups can persist for an extended period, lasting for days, weeks, or even months.

Chronic hiccups are relatively rare but can be caused by underlying medical conditions such as gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD), nerve damage, central nervous system disorders, or irritation of the diaphragm or phrenic nerves.

Although hiccups are generally harmless, they can occasionally become bothersome or interfere with daily activities. Various home remedies are often suggested to relieve hiccups which are given below.

Effective Natural Remedies For Hiccups

Pull on your tongue.

Pulling on your tongue is one of the most common natural remedies for hiccups. This technique involves grabbing onto the center part of the tongue with two fingers and lightly pulling it outwards.

Doing this stimulates the nerves in the back of your throat and can help to reset your diaphragmatic muscles, often resulting in an immediate stop to hiccupping. It's important to note that you should only pull on your tongue gently - no sudden tugs or yanks.

Also, discontinue immediately and try another remedy if you experience pain or discomfort during this technique. However, with some patience and perseverance, this simple method could be just what you need to kick those hiccups for good!

Drink a glass of water quickly.

Drinking water quickly can be an effective natural remedy for hiccups. This method works by stimulating the vagus nerve, which controls the involuntary contractions that cause hiccups.

To try this technique, it's important to drink the water in one continuous sip from a large glass without stopping or pausing. If done correctly, this will help reduce and eventually eliminate hiccups quickly!

This technique is easy to do at home and might provide some much-needed relief from persistent hiccups. It's also safe and non-invasive, so you won't have to worry about negative side effects. Additionally, drinking a glass of water has other health benefits, so it's a win-win situation!

So next time you have hiccups, reach for a large glass of water and try drinking it quickly. It may just be the solution to your hiccup woes!

Bite A Slice Of Lemon

Biting into a slice of lemon is one of the most popular natural remedies for hiccups. It works by stimulating the nerves around the tongue and throat, which helps to override the hiccup reflex. This method can be particularly effective using freshly-squeezed lemon juice, as it has higher acidity than bottled.

To try this remedy, squeeze a few drops of fresh lemon juice onto a slice and take a bite. Alternatively, suck on a wedge of lemon for 10–15 seconds before swallowing. Be sure to rinse your mouth after eating or drinking acidic substances like lemons, as they can damage your tooth enamel.

Hold The Breath

Holding your breath can be a quick and easy way to eliminate hiccups. All you need to do is take a deep breath, hold it for 10-20 seconds, and exhale slowly. This method works by putting pressure on the lungs, which causes the diaphragm muscles responsible for hiccupping to relax.

It also helps slow down breathing and reduce the irritation that causes hiccups in the first place. Keep repeating this technique until your hiccups subside. Holding your breath can quickly eliminate even the most stubborn hiccups if done correctly!

However, ensure not to overdo it, as taking too many deep breaths could cause dizziness or lightheadedness.

So, the next time you feel hiccups coming on or they won't go away, try holding your breath and taking a few deep breaths. You can get rid of those pesky hiccups in no time! Remember that this method works best when done immediately after feeling hiccups come on; the longer you wait, the less effective it may become.

If this remedy doesn't work for you, don't worry – you can try four other natural remedies to help kick your hiccups for good!

Breathe into a paper bag but stop before you get lightheaded!

Breathing into a paper bag is one of the most effective natural hiccup remedies. The process involves breathing deeply and slowly into the bag, which helps to increase the amount of carbon dioxide in your lungs.

This excess carbon dioxide stimulates a nerve in the chest, relieving the spasms that cause hiccups. It's important, though, not to overdo it: when you start feeling lightheaded or dizzy, stop and take a break. Breathe normally briefly before attempting again until your hiccups have stopped.

With this simple technique, you can eliminate those pesky hiccups in no time – safely breathe into the paper bag!


What causes hiccups?

Hiccups are usually caused by involuntary contractions of the diaphragm muscle, which separates the chest from the abdomen. These contractions result in sudden, involuntary intake of breath, followed by the closure of the vocal cords, creating the characteristic "hic" sound.

How long do hiccups typically last?

Hiccups are often brief and resolve independently within a few minutes to hours. However, in some cases, they can persist for longer durations, lasting for days or even weeks. Persistent hiccups may indicate an underlying medical condition and should be evaluated by a healthcare professional.

Does a spoonful of vinegar stop hiccups?

Some people find that taking a spoonful of vinegar helps to stop their hiccups. Additionally, swallowing hard (such as when drinking a glass of water) or holding your breath can help interrupt the hiccuping cycle and eliminate hiccups.


This concludes our list of 5 effective natural remedies for hiccups. As you can see, these methods are simple and safe to use at home or wherever you may be when the need arises. To summarize, if you feel a case of the hiccups coming on, try gently pulling on your tongue, drinking a glass of water quickly, biting a slice of lemon, holding your breath, or breathing into a paper bag - but stop before you get lightheaded! The important thing is to find what type of technique works best for controlling your hiccups. With these tips, you'll be ready to take control of the nuisance caused by hiccups no matter when they strike.

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