Foods Incredibly High in Zinc
Jun 22, 2023 By Foods Incredibly High in Zinc

Zinc is one of the essential nutrients for good health, and it has many great benefits. It helps boost your immune system, aids in protein synthesis for growth and tissue repair and even facilitates normal healing processes throughout your body.

All these functions make zinc an important part of a healthy diet — but which foods contain the most zinc? In this blog post, we'll discuss some of the best natural sources of this vital mineral so you can work more zinc-rich foods into your meal plan!


Meat is one of the top sources of zinc. Beef, pork, chicken, and turkey boost your zinc levels. Red meat, in particular, is an excellent source of this mineral - three ounces of ground beef contain over 4mg of zinc!

Lamb is also a great option – three ounces have 5mg of zinc. For those looking to reduce their red meat consumption, poultry like chicken and turkey can still provide plenty of zinc – 3 ounces of 1-2 mg of each supply.

Salmon and halibut are good sources; three ounces will provide 1-3 mg. So when adding more zinc into your diet, look no further than lean meats!


Seeds are a great way to get your daily dose of zinc. Pumpkin, sesame, and sunflower seeds are especially high in this essential mineral, with a single serving providing up to 10% of the recommended daily value.

Many varieties of nuts like cashews and almonds also contain considerable amounts of zinc; just one ounce of dry roasted almonds contains 7.3 milligrams or 50% DV!

In addition to being an excellent source of zinc, these seeds and nuts are also packed with other vitamins and minerals important for optimal health, such as magnesium, iron, selenium, copper, and manganese. Eating them regularly can help ensure you get enough zinc from natural sources while enjoying tasty snacks!

Additionally, legumes such as beans and lentils are great sources of zinc. These plant-based proteins provide up to 8% DV in just one cup, making them an incredibly healthy option for meals or snacks. So if you're looking for ways to add more zinc into your diet without compromising taste, look no further than these delicious seeds and legumes!


Shellfish is an excellent source of zinc, with some varieties containing incredibly high levels of this essential nutrient. For instance, oysters boast one of the highest concentrations in any food group — a 3-ounce serving can provide up to 74 milligrams of zinc!

Clams and mussels can also provide significant quantities and other shellfish like lobsters, crabs, and shrimp. Eating these types of seafood regularly is an easy way to meet your recommended intake for zinc and support overall good health.

Additionally, shellfish are tasty treats that are low in fat yet packed with protein — so they're sure to satisfy cravings while supplying you with essential vitamins and minerals.

Nuts and peanuts

Nuts and peanuts are incredibly high in zinc, making them great dietary sources of this essential mineral. For example, one ounce of pumpkin seeds contains 2 mg of zinc, nearly 20% of the recommended daily allowance for adults.

Almonds, cashews, pistachios, and walnuts are also packed with zinc — just one ounce of almonds can provide nearly 1 mg of zinc! Peanuts contain about 0.7 mg per ounce, and sunflower seeds contain a whopping 3mg per ounce.

These nutrient-dense snacks offer an easy way to incorporate more zinc into your diet; enjoy them as-is or use them as toppings on salads or other dishes. Enjoying nuts and peanuts regularly will help you reap the benefits of zinc and keep your body functioning optimally!


Dairy is one of the prime sources of zinc, with a single serving providing up to 10 percent of your recommended daily intake. Milk and yogurt are excellent dietary options for zinc due to their high absorption rate — meaning you get more bang for your buck compared to other food sources.

Many cheeses also provide a good amount of zinc — feta cheese, parmesan cheese, and Swiss cheese contain 6-9 mg/100g, while cheddar cheese offers 4-5 mg/100g. Additionally, dairy products are rich in calcium and other essential minerals like phosphorus and magnesium, making them a beneficial dietary option!


Eggs can be a great source of zinc for your diet. One large egg contains around 0.6 milligrams of zinc, making it one of the foods incredibly high in this essential mineral. Eggs contain protein, essential fatty acids, vitamins A, D, E, and K, and minerals such as iron and calcium.

Zinc helps support the metabolism of these nutrients so your body can use them efficiently. Furthermore, eggs are an affordable zinc source, making them an ideal addition to any meal plan! Additionally, eggs are versatile ingredients – you can make omelets or scrambled eggs for breakfast, add them to salads or sandwiches for lunch, or even make quiches and frittatas for dinner.

Some vegetables

Vegetables are an important part of a healthy diet; some types are incredibly high in zinc. Oyster mushrooms, for example, provide around 8mg of zinc per 100g serving – that's over 50% of the RDI!

Spinach is another excellent vegetable source of zinc; it contains 5-6mg per cup cooked. Pumpkin and squash seeds also contain high amounts of this essential mineral; just one ounce provides 8-10mg.

Other vegetables with good zinc levels include peas, asparagus, Brussels sprouts, and potatoes. Eating various veggies can help you maintain optimal health by ensuring you get enough zinc in your diet.

Dark chocolate

Dark chocolate is an incredibly rich source of zinc. Just one ounce contains 2 mg of this essential mineral, which makes it an excellent way to get your daily dose! Dark chocolate is also full of antioxidants that help protect cells from damage caused by free radicals and other environmental factors.

Plus, its high cocoa content means that dark chocolate has a naturally rich flavor and can be guilt-free. When choosing dark chocolate, try to look for bars with at least 70 percent cacao or higher — the higher the percentage of cacao, the more nutrients you'll get from each bite.

Enjoying a few pieces of dark chocolate daily could be just what you need to meet your zinc needs!

Whole grains

Whole grains are an excellent source of zinc. Oats, barley, and rye are all nutrient-dense whole-grain sources that contain zinc. Not only do they provide a good amount of zinc per serving, but they also offer other essential vitamins and minerals like iron, magnesium, potassium, and B vitamins.

Eating just a 1/2 cup of cooked oats can provide you with nearly 10% of your daily needs for zinc. Whole grains such as quinoa and brown rice can also be part of a healthy diet rich in this important mineral.

They're high in fiber and essential vitamins and minerals, making them a great choice when looking for natural sources of zinc!


Seeds are an excellent source of zinc, with many providing more than 5mg per serving! Pumpkin and sesame seeds are some of the best sources, offering up to 7.6mg and 8.9mg of zinc, respectively. These tasty snacks also contain protein and other essential nutrients for good health.

Sunflower seeds provide 6.3mg of zinc per serving, while hemp seeds offer a slightly lower amount at 5.3mg per serving. Incorporating these into your diet is a great way to naturally boost your daily zinc intake!


What are some foods that are incredibly high in zinc?

Zinc-rich foods include oysters, beef, pumpkin seeds, and spinach.

Why is zinc important for our health?

Zinc plays a vital role in numerous bodily functions, such as supporting immune system function, promoting wound healing, aiding in DNA synthesis, and contributing to proper growth and development.

How much zinc should I consume daily, and can I get it solely from food?

The recommended daily zinc intake varies based on age and gender but generally ranges from 8-11 milligrams for adults. While it's possible to obtain sufficient zinc solely from food sources, some individuals may require supplements if they have specific dietary restrictions or inadequate zinc absorption.


Zinc is essential for the body to stay healthy and function properly, so you must take it in through your food sources. Understanding zinc-rich foods can help you ensure that your diet is well-balanced. Some of the most nutritionally dense sources of zinc include meats, shellfish, dairy products, eggs, certain vegetables and grains, nuts and seeds, and dark chocolate. Remember to include various foods in your daily diet to get adequate zinc!

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