Foods Incredibly Rich In Copper That Enhances Overall Wellbeing
Jun 22, 2023 By Foods Incredibly Rich In Copper That Enhances Overall Wellbeing

Did you know that copper is essential for your body's wellness? Maintaining healthful levels of this mineral is important as it supports the growth and proper functioning of vital organs like the heart, brain, and nervous system.

Unfortunately, many diets don't necessarily include enough copper-rich foods regularly, which can lead to a lack of healthful nutrients in our bodies. Luckily, some foods are incredibly rich in this nutrient that will help enhance overall well-being.

From fish and meats to cereals and vegetables – we've got you covered with all the best sources for supplying your body with adequate amounts of copper. Read on to find out more!

Beef liver

Beef liver is an incredibly rich source of copper that can help enhance overall well-being. It contains more than 11 milligrams of this essential mineral per serving, making it a great dietary option for those looking to increase their copper intake.

Additionally, beef liver provides many other important vitamins and minerals, including iron, vitamin B12, and zinc. This makes beef liver a complete and balanced food that gives your body the nutrients it needs.

When cooked properly, beef liver has a unique flavor and texture that will please picky eaters. Add some beef liver to your diet today; you won't regret it!

Dark chocolate

Dark chocolate is a delicious treat that can also be a healthy choice when supplying your body with copper. This type of chocolate is packed with minerals and antioxidants like copper, magnesium, iron, zinc, and manganese.

One ounce of dark chocolate contains up to 65 milligrams of copper – almost half the recommended intake! Enjoying a small square or two each day as part of your healthy diet will ensure you get this essential mineral.

Dark chocolate has also been found to help reduce stress levels, improve blood pressure, and even aid in weight loss! Not only does it taste great, but it's also a smart snack choice for those looking for added health benefits in their diets.

Sunflower seeds

Sunflower seeds are a great source of copper, essential for the body's wellness and proper functioning of vital organs. One hundred grams of sunflower seeds contain approximately 1.51 milligrams of copper - over 15% of your daily recommended value!

Sunflower seeds make an excellent snack when eaten raw or roasted and can be added to salads, soups, baked goods, or cereal for a nutritional boost. To maximize the amount of copper you get from this food, opt for organic since non-organic varieties may have lower nutrient values due to processing practices.

Eating sunflower seeds regularly will help ensure that your diet includes enough copper-rich foods that promote overall well-being and healthful levels in the body. Enjoy this tasty and nutritious snack to give your body the boost it needs!


Oysters are an excellent source of copper that can help increase your body's nutrient levels and support overall well-being. They are a delicious treat packed with essential vitamins and minerals like Vitamin C, calcium, magnesium, zinc, and manganese.

Studies have shown that oysters contain higher amounts of copper than other shellfish varieties – up to 32mg per 100g serving. This makes them an ideal dietary supplement for anyone seeking to boost their mineral intake healthily. Plus, oysters also contain Omega-3 fatty acids, which help reduce inflammation.


Mushrooms are an excellent source of copper and make a great addition to any diet. They contain high levels of the mineral that help support healthy organs, such as the heart, brain, and nervous system.

Not only are mushrooms incredibly rich in this nutrient, but they also provide additional benefits like plenty of antioxidants and essential vitamins.

Furthermore, mushrooms have a unique flavor that can enhance dishes from salads to pizzas. This makes them a wonderful complement to many meals while supplying your body with much-needed copper. To get the most out of your nutrient intake when eating mushrooms, opt for fresh varieties over canned or frozen options for greater potency.

Sunflower Seeds

Sunflower seeds are a great source of copper, and they can be eaten as a snack or used in various recipes. Sunflower seeds contain over 4 mg of copper per 100 grams, exceeding the recommended daily consumption of 900 micrograms.

Copper from sunflower seeds is essential for many aspects of our health, including maintaining healthy bones and preventing anemia. Sunflower seeds also provide additional nutrients such as vitamin E, magnesium, folate, phosphorus, thiamin, zinc, manganese, and selenium.

Regularly eating a handful of sunflower seeds can help support your overall wellness by providing crucial minerals that some diets lack. Add them to your meals or store them in your pantry as a healthy snack option that will help support your body's needs.

So try incorporating sunflower seeds into your diet for an easy and delicious way to add an extra dose of copper and other essential nutrients!


Potatoes are one of the best sources for supplying your body with copper. They contain almost 2 milligrams (mg)of this essential mineral per serving, and you can easily add them to your regular diet. Potatoes are versatile, so they can be cooked in various ways, including baking, boiling, or roasting--allowing you to get creative when preparing meals!

Additionally, potatoes are high in vitamins and minerals such as dietary fiber, Vitamin B6, and potassium, making them a nutrient-rich food option. Eating potatoes regularly is an excellent way to ensure you receive the adequate copper intake needed for optimal health and well-being.

Cashew Nuts

Cashews are considered one of the most nutrient-dense nuts and an excellent copper source. Just one ounce of cashews contains nearly 20 percent of the recommended daily amount of this important mineral.

Copper helps build strong bones and teeth, promotes healthy blood vessel function, supports metabolism, aids in iron absorption, and even plays a role in preventing cardiovascular disease. Cashew nuts also contain high dietary fiber, protein, magnesium, phosphorus, and other essential vitamins and minerals like B6 and zinc.

They have a delicious flavor that can instantly amp up any dish! Try adding them to salads or enjoy them as a tasty snack - either way, you'll be getting your dose of beneficial copper while enjoying their yummy taste.


Lentils are an excellent source of copper, a nutrient essential for maintaining good health. This legume is rich in minerals and vitamins that help keep your body functioning optimally. It contains high amounts of dietary fiber, protein, folate, vitamin B1, and manganese-all essential nutrients for well-being. Lentils can be used in many recipes to add flavor and texture to dishes.

Additionally, they can be cooked into soups or salads, making them a great way to get more copper into your diet. They are also versatile and can easily be incorporated into any meal plan. Ensure you include lentils in your diet, as they will help enhance your overall wellness by providing the necessary copper your body needs!


Why is copper important for our overall well-being?

Copper plays a vital role in various bodily functions. It aids in producing red blood cells, promotes healthy connective tissues, supports the immune system, and assists in iron absorption. Additionally, copper acts as an antioxidant, helping to neutralize harmful free radicals in the body.

Which foods are incredibly rich in copper?

Several foods are excellent sources of copper. Some examples include shellfish such as oysters and crabs, organ meats like liver and kidneys; nuts and seeds such as cashews and sesame seeds, whole grains like quinoa and oats; dark chocolate; leafy greens such as spinach and kale; and legumes like lentils and chickpeas.

How can incorporating copper-rich foods into my diet enhance my overall well-being?

Including foods rich in copper can have numerous benefits for your overall well-being. Copper supports the production of collagen, which is essential for healthy skin, bones, and connective tissues. It also aids energy production, supports brain function, and contributes to a healthy immune system.


Copper is naturally found in various whole foods, benefiting the body. While eating these foods in moderation is essential, many incredible options can be incorporated into an individual's diet. You can easily increase your copper intake by incorporating beef liver, dark chocolate, sunflower seeds, oysters, mushrooms, potatoes, cashew nuts, and lentils into your meals to support healthy skin and lower your risk factors for chronic diseases.

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